My Acne Journey and How I’m Clearing it with help from My Dermatologist

Acne. It is one of the most challenging subjects for me to write about because it is such a sensitive topic. I am nervous to share these pictures with you. I have had quite the emotional ride over the years, and it’s still an ongoing journey. 

I struggled with self-esteem and even battled depression because of my skin. I did say “quite the journey,” right. I am blessed to have a supportive family who would tell me that it looked better or that I was still pretty, but I never believed them. I could only feel the pain of each smile, the itching, the sleepless nights, and the weight of 20+ pimples I carried on my face. It’s hard to believe that people will freak out over two pimples when you have an entire situation displayed across your face. 

My mom said I used to walk around with my head down, looking at the ground, because I never wanted to look people in their face—or rather, I didn’t want them looking at mine. Dealing with problematic skin made people feel they had permission to make suggestions or start a conversation about something I never wanted to talk about. Yes, they were trying to help, but it just made it more apparent that my skin was broken out, no matter how much I tried to believe it wasn’t. One of the saddest moments for me was when I picked up one of my favorite little girls and she asked, “What happened to your face?” I set her down fast, and ran away and cried. 

The Process

I have tried everything under the sun from accutane (twice), derm everything, antibacterial everything, to every light therapy, facial, and natural remedy or over the counter facial wash that promised to improve my condition. I would have a good day, and then I would have days I just wanted to hide my head in the sand.

Now I am at a point where my skin is under control. Lately I have been dealing with dry patches. I think I used too much tea tree oil, but I have also been wearing PPE/face masks at work. Some days are more irritating than others. 

I Know the Feeling

It is okay to not feel okay about your skin. The truth is what is on the inside matters so much more, and the people who can’t look past your skin don’t deserve to have you in their life. 

Social media is fake. I know that all brands don’t show the girl with acne wearing their products because it doesn’t sell. But don’t be fooled by the over edited images on the web. I battled with comparison, which is the thief of joy. I would hear women with beautiful skin say, “I don’t eat fried foods,” or “I don’t eat chocolate,” and there I was following their methods with no evidence. I rolled my eyes at women who only used water or alcohol and wished it was that easy for me. Emotionally, I was drained, but I’ll share more about that in another post. Let’s dissect the myths.

5 Things You Should Not Do If You Have Acne/Problematic Skin 

1—Wash your face more. Nope. Washing your face won’t actually cure your acne, Sis, no matter how much you scrub. Instead, gently scrub with your chosen wash for 60 seconds no more than twice a day to decrease the bacteria. Scrubbing too hard can cause inflammation and do more harm than good. Don’t overdo it.

2—Avoid makeup. Uh-uh. Have some fun! Makeup doesn’t cause acne when applied and removed properly. Makeup could irritate your skin if you use the wrong products, so listen to your face (and your dermatologist). Take extra caution by cleaning your hands. Clean every tool before and after application. Change sponges out frequently. And wash your makeup off before you go to sleep. 

3—Pop your pimples. Don’t do it. This method can trigger inflammatory responses, increasing the spread of bacteria to your zit or under your skin. It can also cause scarring. 

4—Skip dessert. Girl, grab your fork! You are what you eat and maybe some foods are triggers for your skin, but according to research, chocolate and other junk food has little effect on acne. Eat the cake!

5—Ditch your routine. Your skincare regimen is your face’s BFF. Show it some love. Science says acne is chronic, which means it can last a long time beneath the surface. Stick to your routines to manage your acne even when the pimples go away.

My Current Routine 

My current skincare routine consists of the following products. I hope to incorporate monthly deep facials into my routine in the future. The products below have either been prescribed to me by a professional after a full assessment of my skin, or I have personally chosen to incorporate them.


-Sulfa Cleanse sodium sulfacetamide 8% & sulfur 4% – 2x daily for 60 seconds. Gentle scrub. 

Clindamycin Phosphate and Benzoyl Peroxide Gel- 1x daily AM 

-Retin A – 1x daily PM

-CeraVe ultralight moisturizing lotion SPF 30- 1x daily AM 

-Tea Tree oil 100% – spot treatment for acne. Can cause rash/irritation used in its pure form. I dilute with water.  

-Aztec clay mask – as needed

-Coola organic sunscreen SPF 50 – as needed 

-Dr. Dennis Gross Alpha Beta Peel Extra strength-can be used nightly. 

-Pixie Glow Tonic Toner- used daily.

You can shop most of the mentioned products on my Amazon Store

Click here to shop: Beauty Essentials| Face

I am interested in trying a few additional products or making a few substitutions. My skin is sensitive so I will always consult a dermatologist, but comment on this blog post or engage with me on IG to follow my journey.


5 Tips for Dealing with Acne 

1—Don’t underestimate the mental impact. Make sure you have the support you need. It’s perfectly okay to tell people that you do not want unsolicited advice about your skin or that you only need support. If you still find it hard to cope with the emotional stress, acknowledge it, and  please seek professional help. 

2—Don’t count yourself out. I know it’s not always comfortable to be social, but the more confidence you show, the less comments they will share. I’m not going to tell you how to do that because it will be different for each individual, but chile, be social. 

3—Stress less. Don’t stress about your skin. It will likely make it—and you—feel worse. 

4—Hydrate. They were right, drink the water. Water promotes skin hydration and reduces clogged pores. 

5—Don’t give up. Find what works for you. It may be trial and error to figure out what works for your skin, but you will get there if you keep at it. Be an advocate for your skin and your health. Don’t believe the hype about every product. 

I hope something in this post resonates with you. Be sure to let me know your thoughts. With love xoxo Diamond Denise

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to be a cure-all blog post. What worked for me may or may not work for you. Speak with a professional for guidance on proper skin care and read all labels for proper use. 


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